Lammas Lands Management Plan (2017)
A 10 year ecologist lead review, commissioned by Waverley Council providing a sustainable and thoughtful plan for the meadows.
A 10 year ecologist lead review, commissioned by Waverley Council providing a sustainable and thoughtful plan for the meadows.
A visitor survey commission by Waverley Council to get more information about visitors to the Lammas Lands, including the activities they carry out and their opinions about the site, in order to inform management decisions about it.
The plan is used to guide and direct future development and in the determination of planning applications.
This document represents the Godalming & Farncombe Neighbourhood Plan for Godalming parish and sets a strategy forward to 2023.
This document outlines the map of the Lammas Lands and the projected route for the Greenway
This document outlines each section of the plan and includes costings, with comentary from Surrey County Council.
Planning Guidance provided by the National Trust for development next to the River Wey & Godalming Navigations
A question posed by a Mr Chrisopher Peck in 2016 to Surrey County Council, regarding building a cycle track on the Lammas Lands
The Communities & Local Governments Development and Flood Risk Practice Guide, PPS25 is part of the holistic approach to managing risk set out in the Government’s strategy for flood and coastal erosion management
The plan sets out a vision for a healthy and diverse catchment where all interested sectors, groups or individuals may contribute effectively towards restoring the natural environment for the sustainable use of its essential resources, to benefit both people and wildlife today and in the future.
The importance of the ASVI designation is to protect areas of land which are important because of the role they play in establishing the character of a locality and preventing coalescence of developed areas.
A Wetland Framework created by the Environment Agency in partnership with Natural England for Impact Assessment at Statutory Sites in England and Wales.
This aim of the Level 1 SFRA is to identify the spatial variation in flood risk across the Borough of Waverley from all sources, facilitating a borough-wide comparison of future development sites with respect to flood risk considerations.
Official title from Land Registry, including restrictive covenants placed upon the land.
The consultation has now finished, it is however a good resource for official plans and holds all of the comments for the proposals.